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In order for that to happen, we have Go First in these fiive areas:
Unleash the Leader Inside of You.
in an anxious culture.
Going First in your emotional health starts with learning that you (and the Bible) are as emotionally deep as the Mariana Trench.
Watch Pastor Jared unpack the fiirst biblical leadership skill.
in a Godless society.
What if the statement, "Seek fiirst the Kingdom of God," wasn't an ethereal command from Jesus? What if it was a practical one about how to begin our day?
Watch Pastor Jared unpack the second biblical leadership skill.
in a digital age.
If you were to take inventory of your connections, do you pursue others or do they always pursue you? Are you inviting or waiting to be invited? Are there as many calls out on your phone as there are calls in?
Watch Pastor Jared unpack the third biblical leadership skill.
in a broken world.
The greatest source of pleasure is always the greatest place of responsibility.
Watch Pastor Jared unpack the fourth biblical leadership skill.
in a consumer economy.
If we are going to wake up every day on purpose, we are going to have to live by design.
Watch Pastor Jared unpack the fiifth and fiinal biblical leadership skill.