
World Religions: Part 9, Non-Orthodox Christian Movements
Salvation comes by Jesus Christ through his death on the cross. Are cult members or Mormons or JWs saved? Any religious tradition that says you are saved through works is contrary to what the Bible says: you are saved by faith alone. We can do nothing to save ourselves. God alone is judge. Our responsibility is to love people and pray for them.

World Religions: Part 8, Protestant Denominations
Denominations exist today, as well as many branches of those denominations, because... well, people are people. Each of us should determine if the denomination/church to which we belong is, first and most importantly, in alignment with God’s Word, and, secondly, with our personal values and beliefs.

World Religions: Part 7, Roman Catholicism & Eastern Orthodoxy
Are Roman Catholics and/or Eastern Orthodoxy members saved? Are they true believers? What is really important is that being a member of a denomination does not save you. What brings salvation is authentic faith in Jesus Christ, faith and trust in his death on the cross, that his death on the cross saves you. Thankfully, it is God who decides if we are saved, and we can trust him to do that.